CBC article: “Evolution of a mouldy head”
A patient (Thelma Fayle) has created an article which was published on the CBC “The Sunday Edition”, and it was called “Evolution of a mouldy head“. Read this excellent article here: https://www.cbc.ca/radio/thesundayedition/digital-detox-gravitas-plastic-free-aisle-feminist-bookstore-the-bestseller-ometer-mouldy-head-1.4017723/evolution-of-a-mouldy-head-1.4017802
The Whimsical Sinuses Poem
A poem created by a patient of the St. Paul’s Sinus Centre (SPSC). The inner secret chambers of the Head The Frontals bold but cold-hearted, uncaring immoveable (literally) The Ethmoids hmm rather shy, sweet, they come out at night to dance The Maxillary – very flirtatious, enjoying their placement on the head (don’t trust them!) […]
“Puck CF” music video
A patient’s sister made a music video called “Puck CF”. This patient has Cystic Fibrosis (CF), and his sister did this for him and others with CF as a really nice project. Puck CF – a music video by Katrina Dauncey – YouTube